Two additional notes about the supplements. First, Check the instructions.For example, I've always been taught to take my usual vities & min supplements with meals, and that is fairly typical for most standard supplements. However, I've just noticed that Acetyl-L-Carnitine says (well, at least my Life Extension brand) that it's best to take on an empty stomach with water approx. 45 mins before eating. I'll be changing up that schedule for me. Second, Solano is concentrating primarily on brain support, so there are basic items necessary, such as sufficient calcium and magnesium - While taking a multi vit/mins provides a great amount to make up and supplement for food sources, even in the Life Extension brand you won't find sufficient (or any) calcium and magnesium. I've always been taking a separate cal/mag supplement to ensure I'm getting the 1000/500 ratio. Turns out that also makes my doc happy, too. (One of the few things we've agreed on 😉 😅)